
Please pray for my mom

This week has been a whirlwind- lots has happened, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I wish I had time to write about all those aspects in depth, but reality calls, especially as I hear my two-year old whining to get out of bed with assistance and acknowledgement of his wakefulness. I'll write more about the first week later...hopefully.

I am writing to ask for your prayers for my mom. She is in the hospital and not doing well. Her heart rate is high, causing her chest pain, which exacerbates the cancer in her body. Her spirit is also low and that makes me the most sad and concerned. Please say a prayer for her- that her HR would normalize and that God would pull her from the pit she's in. If you know her, reach out and tell her you love her. I know she's reading this and doesn't want to "burden" anyone, but we all know she's a gift not a burden. Pray that God would help her to know her belovedness.


  1. My amazing Kathleen... you came and rescued me. You were and are my savior. Always showing strength and beauty. Love and warm thoughts, Cari

  2. Amber, I was living with your mom when she had her first date with this silly, cute fireman. Yes, we chatted about him after.
    I saw you right after you where born at the hospital. Years fly by but good memories stay in our hearts. Please let me know how your mother is doing. My cell 415-722-0252
    Love to all,

  3. Absolutely! Prayers going up for your dear mom!

  4. My sweet loving sister-in-law, Kathleen,
    I am praying for divine intervention. and Drs to have divine knowledge during this hard time. Also double circle of angels around Kathleen, to keep her safe.
    Kathleen you are the strongest person I have ever known and I love you!
    God speed!

  5. We love you Kathleen! Ruben talked to Davy a couple of days ago and we have been praying for you and your family.
